Thursday, August 12, 2004

Here's Jonny!

Let's face it, whether or not Scott Peterson
commited the crime of murder, he certainly
is showing his attainable side.
I don't know how many people in this universe
can actually deem The Shinning as,
"Ooh! The best movie ever made... ,"

Those telephone calls he made to Amber Frey
certainly prove his worth as a fertilizer salesman.

*How appropriate, a salesman that actually sells

RR - Movies

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

The Two Side Of John Kerry

Kerry goes to Veit Nam for 4 months, admits he commits atrocities and is a war criminal, and then comes home protesting the war. Now he touts his war record as a reason to vote for him for President.
Is Kerry asking the American people to vote for a war criminal?

Saturday, August 07, 2004

Today's Lesson

Got any cookies there fella?


Before we left on vaction I said to the kids,
"We ain't going no where until we clean up this house
from TOP to BOTTOM." My son Caleb, which no one
can figure out how he achieves synapsis, bellows out,
"Dad, how are we going to get on the roof?"

Where Are The Terrorist?

It's painfully obvious by now that Iraq had terror ties. Did Iraq collude with these terrorist about the attacks on 911? No evidence has been discovered, however there is plenty of evidence that Iraq had ties with terrorist. From the fuselage at Salman Pak, to the discovery of the now reported papers containing names and addresses of men authorities have just arrested in Albany, N.Y. for trying to obtain a shoulder fired grenade launcher.

RR - Drudge

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Goons, Three More Months, & Hell

The protestors were chanting "Four more years!"
"They want four more years of hell," Theresa Heinz told Kerry supporters.
John Kerry called the protesters, "Goons!"
The only response Kerry supporters could drum up was,

"Three more months!"

I want to know what dictionary the Kerry's own

because the definitions given for Goons & Hell
are much different than any I've ever seen!

Why Reality Matters

Kerry called Bush's bluff on the new terror alert by demanding that he bring back congress to work on a better security plan. Will Kerry show up for that session?

Sunday, August 01, 2004


John Edwards, in his parties acceptance speech for the Vice Presidential nomination said, "Hope is on the way."
John Kerry, in his parties acceptance speech for the Presidential nomination said, "Help is on the way"
Fred Imus, brother to Don Imus, of Imus in the morning said, "Do these two slogans together mean they hope help is on the way?"

RR - Refdesk